Saturday 30 July 2011

The Osmonds or the Jackson 5 in their prime which would survive the Zombi Apocylypse?

Jackson 5

Ask me anything

Which type are you; the news anchor who reads the news word for word,the reporter who looks for that hard hitting story or are you the cute weather bunny reading the weather off the green sreen ?

weather bunny =3

Ask me anything

Your Best Friend is about to marry the evil darklord from the underground which is fine until you find the plans that the overlord is using your Best Friend to take over your town! Do you interfere or hope that true love will somehow prevail?

If it would hurt my best friend then I would interfere but if my friend knew and she was happy, i would leave her but keep a very close eye on the situation so I could interfere when nessassary

Ask me anything

After many months of convincing you finally let me come over to your place for dinner, Your relatives and few choice friends are there how do you explain me to them?

um.... This is my friend Toru. and I would tell them about you

Ask me anything

Help me I went to a Lady Ga-Ga concert and one of her back up dancers won't leave me alone he calls me constantly and keeps asking me for a date. What should I do?

Tell him that your not intrested and that there is no hard feelings and ask if you could be friends instead ^^

Ask me anything

You cannot get me come to the door so you open the door and catch me dancing to Hyuna's Bubble Pop of course only to the Hyuna parts, How does that Make you feel?

I would wonder what was going on and most probably join in if I knew the parts so you wouldn't be embrased =3

Ask me anything

Which of the following would win an all out war: A group of tribal disgruntled Ewoks, A gang of homicidal Mogwai, Or a Militant group of ethnic cleansing Care Bears? Who would win? (If you do not know who these are do a google search!)

Militant group of ethnic cleansing Care Bear XD

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

What kinda toothpaste do you use? :D sorry I like asking random questions.

...... I have no idea XD

Ask me anything

Will follow first 20 people to ask <3.

What got you into video blogging?

Ask me anything

What are you reading?

Animal Academy which is a manga =D

Ask me anything