Tuesday 29 June 2010


so tired.....
Maybe I shouldn't stay up late.
I've now finished school so I've decided to saty up late and watch anime on youtube untill really late at night and then I'm waking up early.
Maybe I should go to bed early tonight so that I have more energy for tomorrow so that I can record a new dance.
I might do Magic Girl by orange Caramell

This is quiet a cool dance.
I'll do it =D

but right now.... sleep!!!




Thursday 24 June 2010

Friday 18 June 2010

ロッテ Fit's ダンスバトル応援: フウジンライジン: LotteFIT'S: EntryNo.030005

My Lotte FIT'S Entry.
Please watch as many times as you can!
Even if you have to mute the song, as long as its still playing!

どうか私をサポートして見て何回もすることができます、そのも、長いこととして!あなたもが曲をミュートすることができますまだそれが演奏した。してください^ ^私をサポート

Thursday 17 June 2010

S/Mileage - Yumemiru 15 sai - Dance cover

One of my dances if you don't know who I am yet. Check out my other videos too ^^

Starting up

Hi guys,
So I'm starting up my blog now. Took me a while to descide what site I wanted to put it on.
The chose was between Blogger (which I finally picked), Wordpress or Tumbler I think its called.
The reason I picked blogger as its a new experience but its easier to add my videos on :)

Another thing, I'm entering the FIT'S Dance contest so I'll post my entery when its up, Please watch!!! As many times as you can.

Also, the Sakura Spring Project blog is up. Please view it at: http://sakuraspringproject.tumblr.com/
My audtion is the secong one ^^
If you want to join in, the auditions end 30th June 2010 so get your entries in soon =D

~Hannah (LittlexMissyx)