A red silk dress
Monday, 5 September 2011
1- your fav thing about boys? 2- ur middle name? 3- height? 4- age? 5-fav song? 6- how much do you weigh? 7- did you ever have braces? 8- phobia you have? 9- what career you want? 10- shoe size? 11- are you single? 12- will you send this to all of your fr
1) their personalities
2) Louise
3) 162/3cm
4) 17 (I'm small XD)
5) First Kiss! - Aa!
6) 11at something :S (I think it's due to bone size as looking at other people my weight, I'm smaller than them)
7) no
8) a phobia of losing things (it's real and has a name that I forget XD it is also server sometimes that I can cry for hours)
9) forensic scientist
10) 7
11) yes
12) yeah, it was fun :D
What's your favorite gadget from a spy movie; you can always make one up if you do not have one?
One that can x-ray through things
Do rabbits really multiply fast or are there mathematic ability just a legend or myth?
I'm not sure... Never seen it happen XD
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
if your gonna enter hogwarts which house would you like to be in? :P
That's hard but maybe ravenclaw for brains :D
Or if they won't except me there due to blonde moments, hufflepuff as I'm kind and caring :)
Sunday, 7 August 2011
I have had emails from youtube saying that I have new subscribers but when I go on my channel, the number is still the same. Has this happened to you? Whats going on? =(
I have had emails from youtube saying that I have new subscribers but when I go on my channel, the number is still the same. Has this happened to you? Whats going on? =(
Answer here
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
My next featured Dancer is Beautiful and Talented as usual, I have used a wild west theme,spy theme and circus theme what theme should I use next?
Fairy tale, Asian, British, American... That's all I can think of right now ^^
Saturday, 30 July 2011
Your Best Friend is about to marry the evil darklord from the underground which is fine until you find the plans that the overlord is using your Best Friend to take over your town! Do you interfere or hope that true love will somehow prevail?
If it would hurt my best friend then I would interfere but if my friend knew and she was happy, i would leave her but keep a very close eye on the situation so I could interfere when nessassary
After many months of convincing you finally let me come over to your place for dinner, Your relatives and few choice friends are there how do you explain me to them?
um.... This is my friend Toru. and I would tell them about you
Help me I went to a Lady Ga-Ga concert and one of her back up dancers won't leave me alone he calls me constantly and keeps asking me for a date. What should I do?
Tell him that your not intrested and that there is no hard feelings and ask if you could be friends instead ^^
You cannot get me come to the door so you open the door and catch me dancing to Hyuna's Bubble Pop of course only to the Hyuna parts, How does that Make you feel?
I would wonder what was going on and most probably join in if I knew the parts so you wouldn't be embrased =3
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
What is your 'If Not Now, When?' moment?
now really or when I plan to do something and never do it =(
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
Are you still part of SSNetIdolProject? I need to know so that we can get our numbers for our next video and for the auditions and how many people we will get for our group. Plus your not replying back to anything so I need to know
Are you still part of SSNetIdolProject? I need to know so that we can get our numbers for our next video and for the auditions and how many people we will get for our group.Plus your not replying back to anything so I need to know
Answer here
I'm thinking of starting up a Youtube Account about University. How to apply, what to do at Uni (whyen I get there or advice from current Uni studenst) how to look for a good Uni ect. What do you think? Good or Bad idea?
I'm thinking of starting up a Youtube Account about University. How to apply, what to do at Uni (whyen I get there or advice from current Uni studenst) how to look for a good Uni ect.What do you think? Good or Bad idea?
Answer here
Sunday, 26 June 2011
If you could go on a road trip with any person, dead or alive, who would it be and where would you go?
Ummm that's hard.... Maybe BoA and we would travel all over the world <3
What's the longest you've ever gone without a bath or shower?
2 days but that was due to the hot water not working at the place I was staying, once that was fixed, I spent god knows how long in the shower and took all the hot water again XD
Do you have any scars on your body? If so, how'd you get them?
I have about two small ones
One was from cutting myself on my primary school wall while playing tag and the other was from using a potato pealer as I press to hard on it and it cut my finger
Friday, 24 June 2011
What dance should Kawaii Kim and I Mirror and add a Metronome to for our next dance tutorial?
SNSD - Oh! :D
What's you account called?? I want to watch
Sunday, 19 June 2011
If you had to throw away either your TV or your computer, which would you choose?
That's hard but maybe TV as you can watch the tv stuff online and DVDs too but I love my tv :(
Thursday, 16 June 2011
You are babysitting the two little demons from your neighborhood. Of course you must provide entertainment. What DVD do you put in the Machine to keep these little monster entertained?
I wouldn't say horror as I can't stand it but u guess a thriller, it's something that we can all enjoy. The story for me and the blood for them :)
Saturday, 11 June 2011
There's a new facebook page for Youtube dancers and it was started up by a Youtube dancer (me =D). Please join and spread the love of dancing! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Youtube-Dancers/121062787978498?sk=wall
There's a new facebook page for Youtube dancers and it was started up by a Youtube dancer (me =D). Please join and spread the love of dancing! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Youtube-Dancers/121062787978498?sk=wall
Answer here
What's your astrological sign? Do you think it's representative of who you are?
Cancer and I think it does alot. I don't like spending money and I'm insurcure sometimes, just like my start sign.
Thursday, 9 June 2011
Friday, 3 June 2011
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Would you like to be a magicians assistant and if so which illusion would you like to assist in?
uld love that and the illusion would have to be a dissappearing one =D
What was the happiest moment in your life?
I have many but my top 2 are:
1. The birth of my two sisters
2. The day I got my GCSEs (I got 11 =D)
You can Settle an arguement among cyber friends. Which Weapon of choice would you choose a nunchucks made of leeks or an artichoke on a chain or do you have your own Vegetable made death weapon of choice?
Thats hard... I'm not really into online RPGs but I think a riffle that shoots carrots XD
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Hey! Your awesome, and I love your youtube videos! Keep making more. Good luck in the future. :)
Thank you ^^
I will <3
good luck to you too in what ever you want to do :)
What YouTube video made you laugh recently?
Mine, I look back and laught at the work I've done XD
I think I do it to hide my disappointment and to get new ideas ^^
If you had to give up one favorite food, what would the most difficult?
I'm not sure, I don't eat much sweets but I guess it would have to be..... Fish and Chips as I can't feel British without them XD
If you could become any fictional character, who would you be?
I would have to be Alice from Alice in Wonderland
If you could have the starring role in one movie what would it be?
I would have to say.... The happy friend and the one always making sure that no one gets hurt or lost
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
Friday, 8 April 2011
Saturday, 2 April 2011
how did you started interesting anime,japan,danes? ^^
I've always like anime since I was a little girl but never knew it was anime till I was 11 and my friend showed me Naruto and told it what anime was. I got into Japanese music from Shufo Chara and got into dancing about 7 months after that :)
Japan has always been a interesting :D
Friday, 1 April 2011
3DS Event at Nottingham (12.03.2011)
I know its a late upload but I've been busy.
Its not a long video due to me being told that I wasn't allowed to have my camera out yet I had it out when I was waiting outside and I even pulled it out infront of one of the people (the person who told me to turn my camera off) and she never said anything to begin with! :(
I hope you enjoy this (very) short clip.
The 3DS is amazing but cost loads D=
Check out my new website: www.littlexmissyx.wordpress.com
New photo and site
Monday, 14 March 2011
LittlexMissyx's Entry - Rainbow Make-up Commercial
Also, please continue to support Japan by making a video, sending a message or giving a donation. Pray for Japan x
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
If you had to give up one thing in your life, what would it be and why?
If you had to give up one thing in your life, what would it be and why?
Answer here
Monday, 7 March 2011
If you could only read one magazine for the rest of your life, which would it be?
Even though it's for adult women, it's very interesting
Do your parents know you post videos on yt?
No, not yet. I'm going to tell them once it gets somewhere but right now it's to gain confidence :D
Thursday, 24 February 2011
Can you "stare off into space" when you're in space?
No but you can stare down at earth and go "Im better than you XD"
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Thursday, 17 February 2011
does a girls or boys weight matter to you when in a relationship?
No they don't
I would go by personality and how they act towards me an our intrests than weight
It's like the saying, "it doesn't matter what's on the outside, it only matters what's on the inside."
Friday, 11 February 2011
have you ever had sex? if yes who was your best and how old were you when you lost virginity? if no how old do you want to be when you lose it?
I haven't and I want to lose it when I'm ready and I'm with someone I live and trust so I don't know about the age (but hopefully wrote I'm 20 ;D)
what to get a boy for valentines day?
It depends on the boy really, if he likes a certain author, try and get him a book by that author or if Jennings a certain film/tv series, get him the DVD of it, ect
It really depends on them :) all boys are different
if your in a relationship how long to you reckon you should wait before you start doing things (example playing with each other)? (don't give the whole when it feels right. a time scale would be nice ta.)
I would have said that but if you want time it would have to be between 4/5-6 months as you should get to know each other, trust them and know that they won't hurt you (physically or mentally)
Sunday, 30 January 2011
Will you ever be an idol that performs live? What will you do to get there?
I would love to do that :D
When I get there, I think I will practice alot more than I currently an as lives can either make you or break you as one mistake could lead to others and the end of your career.
But o would love to do that and I would love the amazing outfits :D
Saturday, 29 January 2011
a girl with make-up OR a girl with no make-up?
Without as I believe in Natural beauty and it doesn't matter what's on the outside, all that matters is what's on the inside :)
have you ever been in love? or thought you have been? <3
I thought I was once but the person broke my heart :'(
Friday, 28 January 2011
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
Sunday, 23 January 2011
If you could change one thing that happened last year what would it be?
There is alot but it would have to be meeting someone as he has made things really bad for me
What was the worst job you've ever had?
This one where I had to do surveys
My boss was an idiot and won't give me his details so I can't put him on my application forms for a job
Oh well.. I only worked for him for four days
Who inspires you the most?
My mum as she always pushes me to do my best and is alway there for when I need her the most
If you had to throw away either your TV or your computer, which would you choose?
TV as I can find what ever is on my tv on the Internet
Friday, 14 January 2011
Thursday, 13 January 2011
you can write robbie hale in the sand, and the sea will wash it away. but write it in you hert and there it will stay..
That's so sweet and I'm sorry for your loss. I only just found out about it. It's really sad :(
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
Serif MoviePlus X3
Currently I am trying to get Serif MoviePlus X3.
I heard that Serif MoviePlus 5 was a good one so I' trying the next one up.
Maybe it will make my videos better. Who knows till the first trial run and it is put on youtube ^^
I'm also getting it to help xQueenxBoox out as she has to edit alot of videos by herself and because I've done all my homework for college (which is now very boring untill next week when I should be getting some, YaY :D), I thought I would help her out and mix some of the videos too.
It looks like fun :D
I hope it turns out well.
No one has answered my questionnaire :'(
But maybe that means I'm doing good? If no one has answered?
If you want to answer it, its on the right hand side and says Questionnaire/survey. The instructions are in there too.
I translated it by google into French, Japanese and Korean. I'm sorry if they aren't good, its google's fault.
Well thats it.
Hope you have a great 17th and can drive me around soon XD
Ja ne~
Friday, 7 January 2011
New Year, New me!
Hopefully I will gain more subscribers this way. Not that I'm desperate, I just want more people to watch my videos.
So I'm updating the pages right now, please check them out ^^
Please subscribe to me =D