Sunday 30 January 2011

Ask me anything

Will you ever be an idol that performs live? What will you do to get there?

I would love to do that :D
When I get there, I think I will practice alot more than I currently an as lives can either make you or break you as one mistake could lead to others and the end of your career.
But o would love to do that and I would love the amazing outfits :D

Ask me anything

good songs guys? (:

Humm.. Depends on your taste
2NE1 - Fire is a good song :)

Ask me anything

Sunday 23 January 2011

If you could change one thing that happened last year what would it be?

There is alot but it would have to be meeting someone as he has made things really bad for me

Ask me anything (but be realistic)

What was the worst job you've ever had?

This one where I had to do surveys
My boss was an idiot and won't give me his details so I can't put him on my application forms for a job
Oh well.. I only worked for him for four days

Ask me anything (but be realistic)

Were you a Michael Jackson fan?


Ask me anything (but be realistic)

Who inspires you the most?

My mum as she always pushes me to do my best and is alway there for when I need her the most

Ask me anything (but be realistic)

If you had to throw away either your TV or your computer, which would you choose?

TV as I can find what ever is on my tv on the Internet

Ask me anything (but be realistic)

Ask me anything

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Serif MoviePlus X3

How's everyone?

Currently I am trying to get Serif MoviePlus X3.
I heard that Serif MoviePlus 5 was a good one so I' trying the next one up.
Maybe it will make my videos better. Who knows till the first trial run and it is put on youtube ^^
I'm also getting it to help xQueenxBoox out as she has to edit alot of videos by herself and because I've done all my homework for college (which is now very boring untill next week when I should be getting some, YaY :D), I thought I would help her out and mix some of the videos too.
It looks like fun :D
I hope it turns out well.

No one has answered my questionnaire :'(
But maybe that means I'm doing good? If no one has answered?
If you want to answer it, its on the right hand side and says Questionnaire/survey. The instructions are in there too.
I translated it by google into French, Japanese and Korean. I'm sorry if they aren't good, its google's fault.

Well thats it.
Hope you have a great 17th and can drive me around soon XD

Ja ne~

Friday 7 January 2011

New Year, New me!

Hey everyone, I know that I'm not active on my blog so starting from today, I will become more active and post more ^^
Hopefully I will gain more subscribers this way. Not that I'm desperate, I just want more people to watch my videos.

So I'm updating the pages right now, please check them out ^^

Please subscribe to me =D