Friday 16 July 2010

Recipes - Tablet

Tablet is a Scottish recipe and it is really sweet :)
I got the recipes from my mum's book - Maw Broon's Cookbook.

Recipe 1:
200g/8oz Condensed milk
50g/2oz butter
1kg/2lb sugar
1 cup milk
Vanilla Essence (optional)

Bring the ingredients to the boil slowly in a large thick-bottomed saucepan and stir reguary. After a few minutes, test consistency by dropping a little of the mixture into cold water (It should be like soft putty) or use a sugar thermometer and stop heating when it reaches 240°F.180°C (soft ball). Remove from the heat and beat witha wooden spoon untill the mixture begins to soildify. Pour into a greased tray and cut into bars.

Recipe 2:
125g/14oz salted butter (butter with strong flavour is best)
1kg/2 1/4lb granulated sugar
1 cup full cream milk
400g/14oz tin of condensed milk

Over a low heat, melt the butter in a large, heavy-bottomed saucepan. Add the sugar and milk. Keep stirring until the sugar has dissolved. Add the condensed milk, turn the heat up a wee(scottish word for 'little') bitty('bit') and bring to the boil, awfy('very) slowly. Turn the heat down and let it simmer for 20 minutes. Test the mixture for hardness after 18 minutes by drapping a wee drap mixture from the spoon into a bowl of col water. If it turns into a soft ball that you can pick up between your fingers then remove the mixture from the heat. Then. off the heat. Beat strongly for 5 minutes. Pour into baking tray and sease into fingers. Leave to cool.

I hope you have fun making this. Its really yummy.
The book only cost £9.95 and has tones of recipes, like starters, main, desterts,drinks ect... only problem is, I have no idea were its from. So look for it online.

Book title: Maw Broon's Cookbook


  1. Awesome~! Thanks for posting this, Hannah. :) I can't wait to make it. x3

  2. I'm totally going to try this sometime. It's years since i've had home made tablet (since i left Scotland in fact!). Now i have to buy it from Thorntons lol

  3. lol, no problem you too ^^
    I love Tablet and thats the same with me minami.
