Sunday 12 December 2010

is it true what they say, never leave the one you love for the one you like? becasue what if you grow to love the one you like more than the one you love? </3

hum... That can be true in certain feeling and circumstances . It depends on what is going on in life as you may never realize the one you love is the one you like but it could also depend on their personality. You may love the way they treat you as they make you feel special but they could also have a hateful personality and hate your friends. I guess it depends on the person...
I'm not really too sure and I seem to be rambling >.<

Ask me anything (but be realistic)

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Please vote for me - MBC Audition!

Please vote for me! - go onto
click on the red button that says Gallery
A new page will come up with drop down options on the top on country, go down to UK
Then go to Genre and click on Hip Hop.
I'm the last video. Click on it and then there is a thumbs up for like so just click on it. Once there thumbs down goes grey and you can't click on it, your vote has been registered. You don't even need a youtube account to vote ^^.

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Friday 30 July 2010

Nico Nico videos

Hey everyone.
I'm only just getting use to Nico Nico and let me tell you, it is very VERY confusing @_@
I don't undertsand much Japanese and I've never learnt German OR Spanish so I can chose those options.
Here is one of my videos I managed to put up ^^

If anyone else needs help, pm me on my youtube account or comment here and I'll try and help but I'm a newbie at Nico Nico too ^^
My Nico Nico account:

Wednesday 28 July 2010

Five Starz 五枚目俳優 ~ SuG Cover

Watch this!
Its an awosme fan made PV!

Toy Story 3 and Genkimono de Ikou! - Mano Erina (My dance version)

Hey, Hows everyone doing?
I'm great.
I saw Toy Story 3 today in 3D and it was AMAZING!!!
I'm thinking of doing a review which should be up soon =D

Please watch my new dance that I created: Genkimono de Ikou! - Mano Erina (My dance version)/真野恵里菜元気者で行こう! (私のダンスバージョン)

Please comment and tell me what you think ^^

Super Cute Kawaii!! » Blog Archive » Scrummyland Giveaway

Super Cute Kawaii!! » Blog Archive » Scrummyland Giveaway

You should try as you never know if you shall win or not.
The prizes look KAWAII <3

Thursday 22 July 2010

My ALMOST audition for 'Don't Stop Believing' on Channel 5

Please comment and watch. And SUBSCRIBE!!!
Tell me what you think and if I would have gotten in or if I need to work on anything.
I haven't used windows movie maker this time to edit since it seems to be messing up the uality of my videos.

The songs I sing are:
Don't Stop Believing - Glee
Taking over me - Evanscence
Satiliete - Germany's Eurovision song (I can't remember the girls name)
Our Song! - Buono!
Work this out - High School Musical
Opps! I did it again - Britney Spears
Sadistic dane - HANGRY & ANGRY
Oh! - Girls Generation

Dance song: Massara Blue Jeans by C-ute
I dn't know the dance well as I'm just learning that but I had a feeling that If I did this, they judges wouldn't know as Japanese music isn't really popular here, maybe for the younger generations, but not the older ones like the adults over 25-27+.
Not sure.

I put this up as I couldn't audition since the website didn't say much and the rest is in the video. So check it out ^^

*My Blog*

Sunday 18 July 2010

Blog banner

Anyone like it?
I did it on photoshop which seriously needs a manual ¬¬
I took me over a hour and this was my third try since I didn't understand how to use it :(

Comment below and tell me what you guys think?
Also, what else should I put on my blog?
I'm think reviews and I'm also gonna put Tablet recipe up (a Scottish sweet)

Friday 16 July 2010

Recipes - Tablet

Tablet is a Scottish recipe and it is really sweet :)
I got the recipes from my mum's book - Maw Broon's Cookbook.

Recipe 1:
200g/8oz Condensed milk
50g/2oz butter
1kg/2lb sugar
1 cup milk
Vanilla Essence (optional)

Bring the ingredients to the boil slowly in a large thick-bottomed saucepan and stir reguary. After a few minutes, test consistency by dropping a little of the mixture into cold water (It should be like soft putty) or use a sugar thermometer and stop heating when it reaches 240°F.180°C (soft ball). Remove from the heat and beat witha wooden spoon untill the mixture begins to soildify. Pour into a greased tray and cut into bars.

Recipe 2:
125g/14oz salted butter (butter with strong flavour is best)
1kg/2 1/4lb granulated sugar
1 cup full cream milk
400g/14oz tin of condensed milk

Over a low heat, melt the butter in a large, heavy-bottomed saucepan. Add the sugar and milk. Keep stirring until the sugar has dissolved. Add the condensed milk, turn the heat up a wee(scottish word for 'little') bitty('bit') and bring to the boil, awfy('very) slowly. Turn the heat down and let it simmer for 20 minutes. Test the mixture for hardness after 18 minutes by drapping a wee drap mixture from the spoon into a bowl of col water. If it turns into a soft ball that you can pick up between your fingers then remove the mixture from the heat. Then. off the heat. Beat strongly for 5 minutes. Pour into baking tray and sease into fingers. Leave to cool.

I hope you have fun making this. Its really yummy.
The book only cost £9.95 and has tones of recipes, like starters, main, desterts,drinks ect... only problem is, I have no idea were its from. So look for it online.

Book title: Maw Broon's Cookbook

Tuesday 13 July 2010

Berry Autumn Introduction

My intro for Sekaiteki Seasons (formally know as Sakura Spring).
Please watch and Supoport us!!

Monday 12 July 2010

Birthday tomorrow!! :D

My birthday is tomorrow! Or today, depending on where you live.
My birthday is July 13th incase your confused and I'm finally turning 16. Its such a long wait, espically since some of my friends who are in the same classes as me are turning 17 soon (Well after september).
Its not that they've been held back, the UK system is different.

I think I'll make a banner tomorrow :)

BoA / WOO WEEKEND -Full ver.-

OMG!!!! I LOVE BOA!!! <3
I so want the single now!!

Morning Musume on NHK World J-Mello UK!!

Saturday 10 July 2010


Check out my friend. She is an amazing Vlogger but doesn't get much views... I wonder why???
So check her put guys and subscribe if you like :)

Friday 9 July 2010

Tsuki no Kakera - Beckii Cruel ft Cruel Angels (15.05.2010)

New dance ^^

Need to...

What I need to do is make a banner.
Wonder what is good to use.
Anyone know?
Please comment. Don't be shy ^^
I really want someone to comment :)

Also, I might make a review page one music, anime, movies ect.
So if you haven't seen the movie or anime or read the book, don't read the review that I write as I may have some spoliers. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!

Saturday 3 July 2010

Prom - July 2nd 2010


I took loads of pictures and videos.
I'll upload more videos tomorrow when I wake up such as a video of My head of year dancing, some female teachers performing "telephone" by Lady Gaga and some male teachers dancing to "Single Ladies" which was really funny XD

Here are some pictures:

Here is also a video that I have (I will upload more tomorrow):

Sorry for the pictures being here there and every where, I'm still getting use to Blogger =D

Thursday 1 July 2010

PJ day and Prom!

Well Prom is tomorow (2nd July) and I can't wait.
I'll take more pictures but my fingernails are purple like my dress and my toes have this mirror shine which is a light pink in the dark and dark purple in the light. I like it. Here are some pictures so that you know what I mean:

<------ Toes (Yes there small but I adore them because I wouldn't be able to stand up without them)
<------ Fingers

I'm also having a PJ day (i you don't live in the UK, it means a day of just staying in your night clothes but other countries may have them, I'm not sure ^^)
Though I have to clean my room out ¬¬

I might to a hair tutorial, Here is the picture of what I'll do it on:

Its my own made up one but I think its really cute and can be used for anything, like casual, going out or even just havinga lazy day like me =D

Tuesday 29 June 2010


so tired.....
Maybe I shouldn't stay up late.
I've now finished school so I've decided to saty up late and watch anime on youtube untill really late at night and then I'm waking up early.
Maybe I should go to bed early tonight so that I have more energy for tomorrow so that I can record a new dance.
I might do Magic Girl by orange Caramell

This is quiet a cool dance.
I'll do it =D

but right now.... sleep!!!




Thursday 24 June 2010

Friday 18 June 2010

ロッテ Fit's ダンスバトル応援: フウジンライジン: LotteFIT'S: EntryNo.030005

My Lotte FIT'S Entry.
Please watch as many times as you can!
Even if you have to mute the song, as long as its still playing!

どうか私をサポートして見て何回もすることができます、そのも、長いこととして!あなたもが曲をミュートすることができますまだそれが演奏した。してください^ ^私をサポート

Thursday 17 June 2010

S/Mileage - Yumemiru 15 sai - Dance cover

One of my dances if you don't know who I am yet. Check out my other videos too ^^

Starting up

Hi guys,
So I'm starting up my blog now. Took me a while to descide what site I wanted to put it on.
The chose was between Blogger (which I finally picked), Wordpress or Tumbler I think its called.
The reason I picked blogger as its a new experience but its easier to add my videos on :)

Another thing, I'm entering the FIT'S Dance contest so I'll post my entery when its up, Please watch!!! As many times as you can.

Also, the Sakura Spring Project blog is up. Please view it at:
My audtion is the secong one ^^
If you want to join in, the auditions end 30th June 2010 so get your entries in soon =D

~Hannah (LittlexMissyx)